Workshop Ten

Monday, September 14th, 2015 - Workshops

This week we’re looking at characters as The Pulsing Heart of A Good Story.

This is because I think that to tell a good story you have to have a character ACT and REACT. The way your character ACTS and REACTS makes your story change and move forward. What your character DOES is THE PLOT.

It took me years and years to understand this concept.

Here’s an example of what I used to think was a good story opening: A character is sitting in a room looking out the window, thinking about his lost love, re-reading a letter she sent him.

Instead, now I think this is a good story opening: A character gets a letter from his lost love. He grabs his suitcase and starts packing.

Which story is the one you’d want to read? In the first instance, the character isn’t doing anything. NOTHING HAPPENS. I’d pick the second story every time.

I don’t want to hammer home the metaphor of the character as the pulsing heart, but indulge me for a minute. I believe if you make your characters ACT and REACT your story will be propelled forward as if the character is the one pumping the story’s blood through its body.

When a character ACTS and REACTS it must change the events of the story. In the second example I’ve given above, because the character starts packing, the story has a place to go. The plot is impacted, the narrative moves forward.

Try thinking of your character as the heart of your story. Remember, the word REACT means two things: responding emotionally and responding by taking action. Show me as your reader how your character reacts to the events of your book, how your character makes the story change because of the things they do, and I will be your reader for life.

This week’s writing prompt:

This week there are two components to the prompt.

  1. This is a thinking exercise. I want you to find your favourite novel and I want you to look at two key moments in the book when the main character ACTS and REACTS. How did this impact the plot?
  2. This is the writing part. Your character sees someone standing at the edge of a tall building. What does your character do? How do they ACT and REACT? Write up to 300 words.
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