Writing Prompt One

Monday, September 14th, 2015 - Prompt, Wattpad

Having a word count for your story forces you to use exact words and to hone your writing ability. Careful editing and rereading will help you select which words you need and cut away words you don’t. Many of the writing prompts I post here on Wattpad will have a word count. Word counts are something that every writer faces. Either in contents, during commissioned work, or when writing for submission when there are word count guidelines. Word counts include every single word, no matter how long the word, except for the words in the title of the piece.

Keeping in mind the following word count let’s start with our first prompt.

Using less that 500 words, write a scene that includes each of the following elements:

A cell phone.

A man who has a secret.

An empty house.

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