Chuck Sambuchino

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014 - Blog, Places for writers, Tip

One newsletter I subscribe to is this one from Chuck Sambuchino – Editor, GLA and CWIM. Find the newsletter here: . It’s full of useful information for writers who are looking to find representation. I know lots of you have asked me how to find an agent – hopefully Chuck can help you out! One of the titbits from Chuck’s most recent newsletter is below:

Agents Seeking Clients NOW

Click on any name below to see the full mini-profile on the GLA Blog (with submission instructions). Good luck querying!

1. Allison Hunter of Inkwell Management

She is seeking: She is actively acquiring literary and commercial fiction (including romance), memoir, narrative nonfiction, cultural studies, pop culture and prescriptive titles, including cookbooks. She is always looking for funny female authors, great love stories and family epics, and for nonfiction projects that speak to the current cultural climate.

2. Caitlen Rubino Bradway of LKG Agency

(This is an agent spotlight, not a new agent alert. She is putting out a call for new queries.) She is seeking: “I personally am looking for middle grade and young adult fiction. In teen novels, Sci-fi/fantasy is my sweet spot, but I’m open to anything as long as it doesn’t have zombies. (For a more detailed description of what I’m looking for, you can check out my blog post at our website.) “Also, the LKG Agency [which has one other agent] is always on the lookout for nonfiction, both practical and narrative. We specialize in women’s focused how-to, such as parenting, lifestyle, health & nutrition, and beauty, but we are open to a lot of nonfiction genres. (For a full list you can check out the submission guidelines on our website.)”


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Places for Writers…

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014 - Blog, Places for writers, Prompt, Quickstart


It’s been  while since I’ve been on – I love the site and find it a great resource for writers, and for teen writers too as they have a special section. The site lists places to publish and send work. What I find is that sometimes the callouts for work, inspire me to write something I never would have come up with on my own. Like this one – perhaps you have a crime story inside you?:

Entries are invited for the Margery Allingham Short Story Competition (Crime Writers’ Association UK). Short stories must be unpublished and fit Margery’s definition of a mystery: “The Mystery remains box-shaped, at once a prison and a refuge. Its four walls are, roughly, a Crime, a Mystery, an Enquiry and a Conclusion with an Element of Satisfaction in it.” Prize: £1,000. Length: 3500 words max. Deadline: 4pm GMT March 16, 2014. Entry fee: £10.

[places for writers].

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Writing Workshops

Friday, March 7th, 2014 - Blog, Places for writers, Thinking

Lots of writers ask me about writing workshops they can take to improve their writing. I’ve taken, and taught, heaps of workshops over the last ten years and I’ve found that some I’ve attended have been incredible. I’ve learnt huge amounts from writers such as Steve Galloway, and through websites such as and Gotham Writers Workshop. One magazine I subscribe to, both as a teacher, and as writer who wants to learn is Writers Digest. They have a great faculty and loads of terrific tips. One of my favourite books is by agent Mary Kole (find her here). Her book is called: WRITING IRRESISTIBLE KIDLIT: The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Fiction for Young Adult and Middle Grade Readers and it’s outstanding.

I discovered today that Writers Digest teach online too – I knew they had webinars, but I didn’t realize they also did online courses. Now, I’ve never taken one, but I was certainly interested in what they offer. Like this course for aspiring Middle Grade writers.

The reason I take, and teach classes is that I enjoy thinking about writing almost as much as I like writing. It helps me to figure out the best way to say the things that fill my head and the words that I long to get onto the page. I wonder if any of you have tried courses and which you recommend to your fellow writers. Leave me a comment if you have suggestions using the link at the top right corner of the page!


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