I made a short video today with five tips for writing children’s picture books. Please find the link here – soon I’ll figure out how to post video content right on this site, but until then…!
Too Tired?
Some days it’s just too exhausting to write. These are the days I trawl through email, catch up with family and friends, and deal with dull administrative stuff. That way, when I’m not too tired or run-down, I can launch myself into writing books. Someone smart once said, ‘you earn the good days’. Totally true. And on the off days, I do the boring things so the good days are even better!
Useful Advice – from Viviane Schwarz
Just before falling asleep tonight, I read this and thought I should direct you to it. I love what she’s saying and I think her tips on rewriting and getting the book perfect are very true. And I love the Awesome Robot at the end!
What it feels like to create a picture book – a guest post by Viviane Schwarz :: Blog :: Nosy Crow.