Welcome to the last Wattpad Weekly Writing Prompt!
To join in: read the prompt and get writing – post your writing on the Weekly Workshop Series Discussion Thread where I’ll give feedback for this one, final week!
The prompts have been written by Alice Kuipers, bestselling author of Life on the Refrigerator Door, The Worst Thing She Ever Did and 40 Things I Want To Tell You. Visit her at www.alicekuipers.com or follow her on twitter.
Week Fifteen
Thank you so much all of you who’ve participated over the last forty weeks with either the workshops or the prompts I’ve been posting. I’ve read so many exciting lively, dramatic, thrilling pieces of writing and given feedback to loads of writers with huge potential. It’s been a joy to see so many of you inspired to write, and I’ve been pleased to see how many of you want to work on your writing to make it the best it can be.
Here are five things I’ve noticed over the last forty weeks that keep coming up as easy-to-fix edits:
Don’t rush to post work before you’ve re-read it. Always, always take the time to glance over your writing and make sure it’s the best it can be. It’ll give your reader the best reading experience.
Learn how to punctuate speech. It’s worth getting this right as it helps your reader dive into the dialogue without tripping.
A strong voice compels a reader – listen in the quiet to hear your characters speak to you, think about who is telling the story, make sure the tone of the writing is consistent.
Keep your characters reacting to events around them. What they do makes them who they are.
Every word counts. Use powerful verbs, clear vocabulary, delicious language to elevate your text. Enjoy selecting the best words for the job.
This week the prompt is to write a letter and the reply to that letter. A thank you letter, a goodbye letter, a love letter. Any sort of letter. You have up to 500 words. In my first novel, I wrote the entire book as notes between two characters – letters are a great way to get to the heart of your characters and let us as readers know how they feel.
Post your responses here at the Weekly Workshop Series Discussion Thread! I’ll read and give feedback for this one final week. Then I’m off to have my third baby and finish the edits on my fourth novel, The Death of Us, which is due out in 2014. That and a picture book: The Best Ever Bookworm Book by Violet and Victor Small. Both projects and my little ones will keep me very busy, but I’ll be sure to check in with Wattpad to read as much of the amazing work that’s being shared on this website.
Thanks again to Wattpad for hosting this series, and thanks to you, the writers, for the pleasure of reading all your work.