
Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 - Prompt, Thinking

Find the time today to write about anything and everything that the word April means to you – think showers, fools, Easter, chocolate, maybe a girl’s name, and then keep writing: what else can your words uncover bubbling below the surface?

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Anne Lamott Quotation

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012 - Blog, Reading, Thinking

It is natural to take on someone else’s style, that it’s a prop that you use for a while until you have to give it back. And it just might take you to the thing that is not on loan, the thing that is real and true: your own voice.–Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

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Stuck in YA Books

Monday, March 12th, 2012 - Thinking, Tip

I’m doing a blog tour this week and my first stop is at Stuck in YA Books.  Here’s a paragraph of my post…

The first tip is a simple tip, but it helps me whenever I feel grumpy or stressed about writing.  Just write.  It’s a bit like the Nike ad from the 90s: Just Do It.  Turns out that the marketing department at Nike had it right – just doing something is the best way to figure out if you are passionate about it, if you have something to say, if you want to do it again.  And again.  And again.  Because that’s what writers have to do.  Write.  Every day if possible.  And they have to write badly and they have to write messily and they have to get it wrong to figure out how to get it right!

Read the rest and explore their book reviews at their great site.

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