Workshop Nine

Monday, September 14th, 2015 - Wattpad, Workshops

“Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s.” – Stephen King, On Writing

So far in these workshops on character we’ve thought about our characters’ habits, gestures, deepest secrets and favourite foods. We’ve got to know them on the inside. This week, we’re thinking about what our characters’ look like and figuring out how to include this information in our stories. Stephen King in his masterful book On Writing (I haven’t recommended this to you yet, but I do recommend it highly) gives a good example. He says if you describe a character as a ‘pimply faced high school outcast’ you should trust that we’ve all met someone like that. He suggests letting THE READER fill in the rest using their imagination.

The best time to include physical description is when you introduce your character. If you don’t tell your reader until the tenth chapter that your character has a limp and woolly grey hair, they’ll be surprised (and annoyed) you didn’t give these details before.  They will have an image of the character in their heads from the first moment they meet the character on the page.

Our exercise this week is to introduce a character. We’re going to write an opening of a scene, with action and dialogue, including some physical description.

Before you start, here are six tips to make your character introduction, including your physical description, stronger.

1-     Think very carefully about key words that define this character, words like ‘pimply faced high-school outcast’. Cut the rest. Trust your reader.

2-     Remember how important action is to character. Is there a way that the action can give hints about the character’s physical self? For example: She couldn’t lift the chair, although she tried. It was too heavy for someone so fine-boned.

3-     A friend of mine, author Maria Meindl, suggests thinking with all five senses when you describe. How could you use this advice in your introduction of your character?

4-     Watch for clichés. Don’t describe someone GENERAL describe someone SPECIFIC. Focus on a key detail about the character so we can see them clearly in our minds.

5-     Is your character looking in the mirror? STOP RIGHT NOW! One of the ‘tricks’ writers use is to have their character look in a mirror/reflective surface to describe what their character looks like. But thousands of writers have done this before. Push yourself a little harder to find a way to introduce your character.

6-     When you describe someone (or something) describe in VISUAL ORDER. Don’t start at someone’s head, then pop to their feet, then focus on their tummy. It makes it hard for a reader to follow. Work top to bottom, left to right as you visualize your character – the same way we read a page.

This week’s writing prompt:

I’m using an image prompt this week – the backs of two people, a woman and a boy, on a ship (I’m all about ships in these workshops, I guess because I was just in Vancouver!)

Ship Image

Use this image to write a scene introducing these two characters. Write no more than 300 words. (If, instead, you’d rather use a character you’ve already been working with, that’s fine with me).

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Wattpad Update

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013 - Prompt, Wattpad

I’ve been so busy catching up on all the Wattpad responses that I haven’t been keeping up to date here. Join in with the Wattpad prompts if you’re getting the urge to write, and I’ll concentrate on getting some more fun content on here too!


Wattpad Week Nine

Last week we wrote character actions that helped describe setting. This week, we’re thinking about the objects a character owns and how your character describes them. The way your character views the things around them shows your reader the essence of your character.


Both of these exercises deepen your knowledge of your characters through physical and emotional description of the things around your character.

Specifically think about an object either you or one of your characters own. This object is something inherited.

Why is it important? Who is it from? What does it look like, feel like? What words do you, or your character use to describe it? Think about voice.

Write a personal essay – either from your point of view, or a fictional piece in the voice of your character – of up to 400 words describing this object and where it came from. Think about how the words you use reveal character.

Post your responses here at the Weekly Workshop Series Discussion Thread! I’ll read and give feedback as often as I can.

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Wattpad Writing Prompt

Thursday, December 13th, 2012 - Prompt, Wattpad

Challenging yourself as a writer pushes your imagination and your skills. The prompt this week follows a few steps to challenge your writing ability.

One thing we’ve been thinking about during these Wattpad prompts is how to find new and original ways to say things. For example, in a poem, instead of saying ‘My heart bled’ find a more unusual way to describe the pain of loss.

This week we’re going to use the prompt WINTER MORNING. And we’re going to write a poem – even if you don’t normally write poetry (I told you it might be challenging).

First, I want you to list any words that come to mind when you see the words WINTER MORNING.

Re-read what you’ve read. The words on your list are the words I do NOT want you to use when you write your poem. The words on your list are your first impressions, but I want you to dig deeper this week and find out what else you have to say. Forbid yourself the words on this first list. You cannot use them in your poem.

Write a second list of NEW words using WINTER MORNING as a prompt – this list may be shorter, but it will be more original.

Use these words to put together a poem.

Remember, you don’t have to use rhyme, but you do need to think about language and how to bring ideas together in new ways. And it doesn’t have to be long. Sometimes, less is more.

Post your second list and your poem here at the Weekly Workshop Series Discussion Thread! I’ll read and give feedback as often as I can.

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