Wattpad Workshop Series – Week 4

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 - Blog, exercises, Places for writers, Tip

Week 4 (Missed the beginning of this writer’s workshop? Check out Week 1, Week 2 and Week 3!)

I’ve been really enjoying reading your work and seeing how well some of you are doing with the writing prompts. I’m encouraged that so many of you are taking part and making a commitment to improve your writing. But this week’s workshop starts with some news that might be a bit of a downer:

Writing is hard.

Really hard.

I’m not trying to make any of you feel discouraged here. Precisely the opposite, in fact. I’m trying to bust the illusion that writing has to be easy to be any good.  I want to push away the notion that writers merrily sit back while the story just flows onto the page, line after perfect line, paragraph followed by perfect paragraph, plot slotting into place, characters fleshy and real.

Real writers find out pretty fast that you have to earn the good days.

Read the rest here – and post your own writing on Wattpad.

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