Writing Prompt Nine

Monday, September 14th, 2015 - Prompt, Wattpad

Last prompt we wrote character actions that helped describe setting. This prompt, we’re thinking about the objects a character owns and how your character describes them. The way your character views the things around them shows your reader the essence of your character.

Both of these exercises deepen your knowledge of your characters through physical and emotional description of the things around your character.

Specifically think about an object either you or one of your characters own. This object is something inherited.

Why is it important? Who is it from? What does it look like, feel like? What words do you, or your character use to describe it? Think about voice.

Write a personal essay – either from your point of view, or a fictional piece in the voice of your character – of up to 400 words describing this object and where it came from. Think about how the words you use reveal character.

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